Friday, December 9, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 Months

Today feels weird - there is no way that Miss Amelie is 5 months old.

No. Way.
She ate bananas tonight. Loved them!

She sat up by herself. Just once, but still.
I wish those teeth would push through already, they're still bothering her. 

She still wakes up once a night, but it's ok with me.
My very last baby.... and she's perfect.

She loves me, and I love her!
Just look at that face!

18 week - 19 weeks

20 weeks - 21 weeks

Friday, November 18, 2011


Right now Amelie is rolling and wiggling around on the floor, Jared is pretending to be "Sparkle the baby cat", and Gavin is playing with a power ranger he gave two lego swords. 
Amelie is whining. She's teething. I wish those teeth would come through already! 
Jared's pants are on backwards. 
I'm wearing pants that should just be thrown away.
 It's calm here. I love the days Gavin doesn't have school. 
Jared calls all pillows "Pillow Pets".
Pretty girl. Sometimes I think she's weird looking, but she's not.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Batman - Robin- and their sidekick Teddy Bear!

Gavin was still a little sick, so it didn't last long, but they had the best time Trick or Treating. All the candy is gone already! And I didn't get ANY!

There was a haunted house, but we did not go in!

4 Months

My girl.

Little pudgy, smiley thing.

I love you more than words can say.

4 month things:

Laughter (just a little)
Rolling (you get stuck on your stomach)
Eating (one bite of banana)
Playing (you're amazed when you grasp something!)

 14 weeks - 15 weeks

16 weeks - 17 weeks

Friday, October 28, 2011

Leaf Party!

Yes, it's fall!
Last weekend we invited a group of friends, made some awesome food, raked a pile of leaves,
and let the kids go crazy!

It was a gorgeous day and there were plenty of leaves!

The boys ran

they jumped

they dove

and laughed!

The little guys were so worn out - we were there for 6 hours!

Mostly, I sat around and snacked,
but as you see, I wasn't alone

It was the perfect fall day :)
Now, for trick or treating on Monday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

25 Year Old Overalls

These were my overalls :)
Then they were my little brothers.
Now all my kids have worn them, and they still look great.
Love it!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Amelie - 3 months

5 weeks

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

who is almost 4 months old now (what?!?)
love to be sung to
has to be swaddled every night
has still only giggled a little, no full laughter yet!
still in size 1 diapers
moving up into 3-6 month clothes!
totally spoiled by her brothers
loves her Grandpa
wants to grab her toys, but still can't (frustrating!)
wakes up at 4 am everyday to eat
can finally use her exersaucer
tried one bite of rice cereal, and hated it
likes Baby Einstein videos
took her first trip to the apple orchard
naps from 12 to 4 every afternoon
spits up constantly
is super smiley
and super loved!